Weight management

Table of contents

    Prevalence of overweight and obesity

    In the UK, 68% of men and 58% of women are overweight or obese. Children’s overweight and obesity rates are also on the increase: 22.6% of primary school children aged 4-5 and over a third (34.2%) of 10-11 year olds are overweight or obese. For children, the prevalence is higher in ethnic minorities and lower socio-economic groups. Childhood prevalence is double in the most deprived compared to the most affluent areas.

    The trend in obesity is especially of concern in children and adolescents. Over 60% of children who are overweight before puberty will be overweight in early adulthood. Obesity is a health risk in its own right, but it is also associated with an increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and certain cancers. Obesity also increases costs for society: in the UK £27 billion (NHS related and impact on the economy); this is more than the UK spends on the police, fire service and judicial system combined.

    Plant based eating and weight management

    Plant-based foods usually have a lower energy density, are typically low in saturated fat, high in unsaturated fat and fibre. These components can be associated with lower body weight and less weight gain over time.

    The evidence from observational studies indicates that those who follow plant-based eating and eat more protein as plant proteins, tend to have a lower Body Mass Index (BMI – weight (kg)/height (m)2) and gain less weight over time.


    1. PHE. Health matters: obesity and the food environment [Internet]. 2017 [cited 7/20/2018].
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    3. Roswall N, Angquist L, Ahluwalia TS et al. Association between Mediterranean and Nordic diet scores and changes in weight and waist circumference: influence of FTO and TCF7L2 loci. Am J Clin Nutr 2014;100:1188-97.

    4. Sabate J, Wien M. Vegetarian diets and childhood obesity prevention. Am J Clin Nutr 2010;91:1525S-9S

    5. WHO. European Food and Nutrition Action Plan 2015-2020. Regional Committee for Europe, 64th SESSION, Copenhagen, Denmark, 15-18 September 2014. 2014.