Barista Oat
Smooth, creamy-tasting oats could have been made for coffee. Our Alpro Barista Oat certainly is. All that oatsome flavour, frothable, foamable and no added sugars.

Source of fibre


مصدر للفيتاميني ب-2 وفيتامين د

Our awesome European oats love great coffee. So however you make your coffee at home – frothy or flat, piping hot or poured over ice – the mild oat taste of Alpro Barista Oat brings out the very best in your favourite beans. It contains only naturally occurring sugars, with none added. But the big question is, can you make a cool pattern on top? Yes, absolutely. GOOD FOR YOU
هل تعلمأننا مُعتمَدون من مؤسسة "B-CORP" منذ عام 2018؟ ونفخر بهذا الاعتماد
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