
Soya High in proteins

You're our kind of person. By picking up this carton, full of plant-based protein, you're doing yourself and the planet a favour. So, while you’re being kind to this world, just enjoy the great taste.

Source of fibre

غني بالبروتين النباتي

مصدر للكالسيوم

نسبة منخفضة طبيعيًّا من الدهون المُشبعة

Learn a little more about our High Protein Soya Drink

Well done you. You’ve opted for a healthy lifestyle, now you just need to keep going. Here’s where Alpro High Protein drink can help. Soya is an amazing source of plant protein, containing all nine essential amino acids. We use responsibly sourced soya beans to create the smooth taste – it's low in sugars too! Highly nutritious. So keep going, and keep living life to the fullest. GOOD FOR YOU

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